
Summary: The integration of the DOX system with the O365 Calendar simplifies event creation and its linkage to DOX tickets. This module ensures that cases remain visible, even as their status changes.

Many of you are probably familiar with the user interfaces of Microsoft Outlook Calendar. Imagine the convenience of accessing your calendar directly from DOX and creating events related to your tickets.

With calendar integration, this becomes a reality! Utilizing this module, you can create calendar events directly from your tickets. Additionally, when you add a DOX case to your Microsoft calendar, its subject is automatically incorporated into the calendar entry, with the ticket ID included as a link in the description.

You have the flexibility to configure any additional parameters within the calendar entry, including recurring events.

During the integration process, we create a technical user, which the system automatically includes in the calendar event.

What is the purpose of this technical user? It ensures that if the ticket status changes to stalled or resolved, but the calendar entry time (or the event’s recurrence time) has already passed, the ticket will automatically Open in DOX.

This feature can be especially valuable for those prone to forgetfulness or who might miss tickets deadlines. With the O356 extension, you can guarantee that critical tickets are not overlooked, irrespective of their status.

The extension is available in RT 4.4.x.

If you have any questions regarding the extension, please contact us: here.